Mediation models based on cross-sectional data can produce unexpected estimates, so much so that making longitudinal or causal inferences is...
Two studies examined the role short-term changes in adult attachment and mindfulness play in depression and general anxiety.
Stochastic differential equation (SDE) models are a promising method for modeling intraindividual change and variability. This method uses structural equation...
Using embedded and observed data matrices, a statistical approach to differential equation modeling is presented. This approach appears robust to...
Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder outpatients completed twice-daily mood self-ratings for 3 consecutive months. These ratings were matched with local measurements...
A wide variety of models can be understood in terms of the level, velocity, and acceleration of constructs: the zeroth,...
Many applied statistical problems address how change two variables are related. In this chapter derivatives are presented as a language...
Most methods in statistics are focused on the analysis of mean differences. Mean–difference questions, however, represent only a narrow range...
Methods for fitting the damped linear oscillator model using differential equation modeling can yield biased parameter estimates when applied to...
Time is unlike any other variable. This chapter considers the difference in perspectives offered by discrete-time and continuous-time approached to...